Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Connection Between Change and Stress

Everybody has that place where they can feel secure and safe and when that place is taken away from them, they start to feel anxious, nervous and stress begins to come in. This is why it is important to learn more about the connection between change and stress. In some people, change causes stress. People diagnosed with certain mental illness such as ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder needs to have constancy in their lives, if not they begin to stress.

The connection between change and stress is more commonly seen during a stage or place transition. Examples of strange transition includes from teenager to adulthood, changing from a girl to a mother, from a boy into a father and other similar situations. On the other hand, examples on place transition is moving from one place to live in another or changing jobs.

The connection between change and stress is not a healthy one. In modern culture, change is necessary to facilitate improvement and development of life. If you suffer from stress brought about by change, you will be opposed to that dynamic of life – to change.
The good news is that the unhealthy connection between change and stress can be stopped or cut. When change is necessary in order to improve or fast-track your career, you don’t have to feel stressed. Here are a few helpful tips on how you can break the connection between change and stress:

• Quickly set new habits.
In order to avoid the connection between change and stress when adjusting to a new job, you have to set new routines to stick to. When you have a routine you can stick to, you won’t feel the overwhelming effects of change as much.
• Learn everything you can about your new job or your new environment.
In order for you not to become so stressed in your new job, all you need to do is to learn as much as you can about it. This means talking to your new boss, colleagues, and familiarizing yourself with the new environment. When you are familiar with the people and environment around you, there won’t have to be a connection between change and stress.
• Make your environment feel like home as much as possible.
Adjusting to a new job and new environment will be easier if you have familiar mementos with you.
• Keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues from your previous job or location.

You can apply the same helpful tips to avoid the connection between change and stress when it comes to major life changes or stage transitions. If you are an expecting mother, join informative mothers’ classes. These will not only help you learn about your new life role but will also introduce you to new friends who are going through the same change with you.

When children become teenagers and teenagers become adults, the connection between change and stress is very evident too. In these situations, the role of the parents is very important. Children have to be guided and oriented properly in order for them to accept the role change and be productive in society rather than be a nuisance.

Learn how to avoid getting stressed out by change at

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