Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Herbs to Treat Depression

When you are looking for natural supplements to treat depression there are many herbs to treat depression that you should know about so that you can have them in your medicine cabinet. Be aware that sometimes doctors will tell you not to use them, but they are working for many people.

It is essential to your health that you have more than one way to help depression because medication, over time, can be more detrimental to your health. All you have to do is ask your doctor and they will tell you that drugs have more side effects over time.

One of the differences between drugs and herbs to treat depression is the fact that herbs will work on bringing the body into balance instead of harming its systems. So, when you find yourself floating along and feeling wonderful, you don't have to worry about bad side effects.

Here are some of the herbs to treat depression that are worth trying out:

Bee Royal Jelly -- although this is technically not an herb, many people say that they can only feel happy when they take it. This comes directly from bees and it is chock full of minerals, vitamins and amino acids.

St John's Wort -- although this has become a controversial herbs to treat depression and many people say that it doesn't work at all, a study done in Ireland (see article here: http://www.vhi.ie/news/n150205a.jsp) says that this herb actually helped depression better than medicines.

Chinese Herbs - these herbs to treat depression work on the "chi" or balance in the body. Depression for the Chinese means that something is out of balance and if these herbs balance whatever it is, the body will stop being depressed. This is a series of herbs to treat depression that should not be missed.

Licorice -- here we're talking about the herb and not the candy; however the candy can help your mood if you just need a little lift. Actually, licorice has been researched and it is found that it has natural anti-depressant properties. This is another herbs to treat depression not to be overlooked.

When you are using herbs for combating depression it is a good idea to learn how to muscle test each one. There are simple ways to learn this and a good book that describes it and shows pictures is called Co-Creative Science by Machaelle Small Wright. Muscle testing will help you identify which of the herbs to treat depression work best for you.

My favorite herb to treat depression is valerian root. You can learn about it on our page for curing insomnia and nightime panic attacks. Go there now by CLICKING HERE!

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