Saturday, September 27, 2008

Causes Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Today's world is in a panic because we don't know what might be coming around the next corner. Many people are afraid because of the War in Iraq, the stock market and the fact that many businesses, like Merrill Lynch are changing. These are just some of the issues that may be causes of generalized anxiety disorder.

Another way this anxiety disorder is referred to is GAD, and it seems to be hitting a lot of people. Take Larry for example. He had a successful job and he thought he had it made. He was rising to the top and was getting good reviews. Unfortunately, when Larry heard the news about how Merrill Lynch was being taken over by Bank America, he began to panic.

This wasn't the "what am I gonna do?" natural type of panic but something that hit him in a way that he had no idea what to do. For the next week, Larry worried and worried about his situation at his own job wondering whether he would remain employed or not.

Next, he started thinking that all his bosses were just being nice to him and they really didn't need him. He couldn't pull himself out of this anxiety, though he was able to recoup in the past. Larry just is showing one of the causes of generalized anxiety disorder.

What is interesting is that most doctors really don't know what causes of generalized anxiety disorder there are but they have many theories. Some think it is an imbalance of chemicals like serotonin in the brain. They figure that is this is true, some people may be more prone to stress, and that stress could be what triggers the anxiety.

Environmental influences like what happened with Larry may also be causes of generalized anxiety disorder. Other problems like a divorce, the fact that someone dies suddenly or national disasters like the World Trade Center could also be causes of generalized anxiety disorder.

Some doctors are examining the thyroid because they think causes of generalized anxiety disorder may be biological in nature, or medical conditions that cause a lot of stress could also be a problem.

A good reference for causes of generalized anxiety disorder is the Mayo Clinic and they have a full section on GAD that you might find interesting. This is an article that makes for good reading.

Although no one really knows the causes of generalized anxiety disorder, there is help for it and you can find that help RIGHT NOW by CLICKING HERE.

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