Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Treatment of Night Panic Attacks

The nighttime can be a scary time for any anxiety sufferer. You toss and turn in your bed, just hoping for a good nights rest without waking up to a terrifying nocturnal panic attack.

With a treatment of night panic attacks planned, you can avoid all this anxiety, fear and insomnia.

I would have friends that I'd call late at night. They would try to comfort me before bed and put me into a more stable state of mind. Personally, I think the lonliness factor of the night is what really triggers the anxiety. The feeling of lonliness is what led to to find a treatment of night panic attacks.

I mean, even if you have a spouse that you go to bed with, as soon as their off to sleep, you're just laying there - alone in your thoughts. It's a terrifying time to be self-aware. There are no distractions from your anxiety and panic. When you really have trouble getting to sleep, it can feel like you're in for 8 hours of this torture.

Oftentimes, the anxiety will escalate into a panic attack. The discomfort of such an attack is great. It's more than likely the problem that has led you here. Let's get started on a treatment of night panic attacks that will leave your anxiety in the dust and prepare you for a rejuvenating night's sleep.

Luckily for you, I've come up with a pretty solid treatment of night panic attacks plan.

Firstly, you're going to buy some "Sleepytime Tea" from your grocery store. Make sure it's the one with Valerian root in it. Valerian is a natural anti-anxiety herb that will calm you before bed. Dependancy can occur with this treatment of night panic attacks, so just drink the tea every few nights or so.

Reading a book is my favorite treatment of night panic attacks. Don't let the simplicity of this solution fool you. The secret to this treatment of night panic attacks is the escape that it gives you. You get out of your head so to speak. Focus on external things and away from your negative thoughts.

My last favorite treatment of night panic attacks is stretching. Stretching while practicing deep breathing is a great treatment of night panic attacks because it physically exhausts you without putting stress on your body.

When you stretch, your muscles get tired in a calming soothing way (as opposed to working out at the gym). I usuallay stretch as a treatment of night panic attacks every night. I meditate as I do it and practice controlled breathing.

Apply your treatment of night panic attacks in the following order.
- Drink Sleepytime with Valerian Root
- Stretch and Meditate
- Read until you start getting sleepy

This treatment of night panic attacks works everytime. It's really conditioned me to just float off to bed. Plus you'll have a regimen planned, so you won't get panicky as bedtime approaches.

But really, this is just the tip of the iceberg.
For the best ways to relieve anxiety, CLICK HERE.

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