Thursday, August 30, 2007

Tips For Panic Attacks

Most panic attacks are induced by stress. stress comes in all sorts of packages – from work to simpler things such as going out shopping. However, people need to be reminded that stress is a feeling, and feelings – although uncomfortable – cannot hurt you. If you know that you are going to have to be somewhere stressful, then you need to rely not on others, but on yourself. the best thing to you is to find out what tools you can utilize to avoid having a panic attack when you do not want to. Talking to people – even if it means striking up a conversation in the checkout line of a grocery store, may take your mind off things for a while. If you are uncomfortable talking to a stranger, then buy a cell phone, and call a friend for some useless banter to keep your mind off it.

If you are worried about other people around you, but you need to go to a doctor’s appointment or such, then carry a book or magazine with you. Some people even think that counting backwards from 100 or playing some silly game with the magazine would assist. There are games, such as crossword puzzles, word searches, handheld electronic games, or even silly putty that will take care of the anxiety and distract you enough to keep you calm. Some problems may occur in the vehicle. If this begins to happen, then a tip for distraction is music – nature sounds, white noise, or relaxation-type tapes. Attempt to try to distinguish the different instruments in a song. Even a child’s game while driving – such as adding numbers or making up funny words off license plates – can help. Perhaps, even a simple game of finding out-of-state license plates can amuse and distract.

What needs to checked beforehand, is whether or not you may have an underlying issue. sometimes, what can be misconstrued as anxiety or panic attacks, may be something a bit more, such as OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder). If you feel the compulsion to do something to avoid an attack, OCD may be apparent. Counting things like cracks in a sidewalk, ceiling tiles, signs, panels in an elevator, etcetera, may take one’s mind off an anxiety attack, but can also be considered a compulsion to avoid an obsession. Stress relief can also come in many packages. One of the best ways to get rid of stress is by exercising. Exercise creates natural endorphins in the body and brain, and leaves one feeling relaxed and happy. Since much of what is said to be anxiety creating panic attacks, then to be able to relax the mind is a worthwhile effort.

Tai chi and yoga tends to enliven the mind, as well as teach proper breathing exercises. Practicing deep breathing, or simply walking somewhere that makes you feel better, is helpful in avoiding stress, and can sometimes be done before or after work, as well as during lunchtime. Finding what works for you is the best safety net for avoiding panic attacks.

Did you know that every 8 seconds someone in the US has a panic attack? True! And sometimes I’m one of them! How about you?

I’ve had panic attacks that have lasted 30+ minutes, and was absolutely certain I was having a heart attack! I couldn’t breathe, I had chest and neck pains, my left arm hurt, yet at the same time was numb; how weird is that?. Although I still feel the symptoms of panic attack coming on, from time to time, I’ve learned how to take control of my thoughts and reactions, and have changed my lifestyle to drastically decrease the chances of panic attack. Click Here To find out Step-By-Step how I took control of my Anxiety and Finally Ended My Panic Attacks.

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