Thursday, August 30, 2007

Anxiety Panic Attack Symptom

There is a movie called Analyze This starring Robert DeNiro and Billy Crystal. What turns out to be quite a funny scene, actually starts with a panic attack. In this case, Robert DeNiro is a gangster talking to another cohort. He is having trouble dealing with the stresses of seeing one of his best friend’s killed, and it brings back memories of his own father’s death. He is secretly afraid that his son may have to witness his death, like he did his father. As he is sitting there speaking, DeNiro starts to clear his throat a few times, then tugs upon his collar. When asked what is wrong, he says he ‘feels funny’. He begins to sweat, and rock back and forth in his chair. He finally ends up with chest pain and complains he can’t feel his extremities. He is rushed to the emergency room by his bodyguards – thinking he is having a heart attack.

What he thought was a heart attack was nothing more than a panic attack. Now, what is funny about the scene is DeNiro’s thugs making sure the doctor writes down that he had a heart attack instead of a panic attack – mostly because DeNiro’s character wants to be sure other gangsters don’t find out about it. There are many symptoms of a panic attack that may make people believe they are either having a heart attack, or even dying! Things such as rapid heart beat, sweating and numbness or tingling sensations in the face, limbs or body can both be characteristic of panic and heart attacks.

Other such symptoms are shaking on the inside or visibly, chest pain, shortness of breath, choking sensations, dizziness or light-headedness, and chills or hot flashes. You can also feel unreal or dreamy, or even feeling outside yourself or as if you do not exist. There is most often a feeling of losing control or going crazy. Panic attacks have a tendency to go unchecked most times. Some people may begin to exhibit even worse problems, such as agoraphobia. This is a phobia of being in public places, or worse, being stuck somewhere in a crowd of people, and unable to escape. The best form of treatment for such phobias, is cognitive therapy. This means that some therapists believe that – in order to overcome your fears – you must face them little by little.

Panic attacks are not as funny as people may think they are – certainly not as funny to those who are stuck dealing with them. Some people may even have them as much as on a daily basis. When something takes over your life so much, then that quality of life deteriorates. Find the help to control it, before it controls you. After all, this problem is not just your problem. It is also the problem of your family, friends, and other people who love you. If you do not feel you are worth it, then perhaps they are!

Did you know that every 8 seconds someone in the US has a panic attack? True! And sometimes I’m one of them! How about you?

I’ve had panic attacks that have lasted 30+ minutes, and was absolutely certain I was having a heart attack! I couldn’t breathe, I had chest and neck pains, my left arm hurt, yet at the same time was numb; how weird is that?. Although I still feel the symptoms of panic attack coming on, from time to time, I’ve learned how to take control of my thoughts and reactions, and have changed my lifestyle to drastically decrease the chances of panic attack. Click Here To find out Step-By-Step how I took control of my Anxiety and Finally Ended My Panic Attacks.

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