Social anxiety therapy is one way that people deal with social anxiety disorder. Usually this can mean a combination of medications and psychological counseling. Social anxiety therapy taught me several techniques to deal with my anxiety. My therapist had me relax and visualize myself in situations that made me anxious.
I can tell you this was not something that was easy for me to do. I worked with it though until I got to the point where my anxiety was minimal inside therapy. The next social anxiety therapy technique my therapist used was to take me into the situation that made me anxious. The first time we did this I almost fainted and then I realized people weren't really watching me as much as I thought.
The next step in my social anxiety therapy was for me to do the research necessary to do some simple and natural things. The challenge for me with the therapy was that I also was given a drug to curb the anxiety attacks. I don't like taking drugs because they hamper my creativity. So, I to find something else to do besides social anxiety therapy.